
In The Classroom

Classroom expectations are taught, displayed, reinforced and reviewed throughout the year.

All teachers include positive incentives in their classroom behaviour education plan and regularly provide positive feedback to individuals and groups of students.

Outside the Classroom

Awards and positive reinforcement are promoted throughout the school. Awards include:

  • Specialist Awards;
  • PBS Awards;
  • Attendance Certificates.

At the end of the school year each classroom teacher will choose two students who will be awarded with a GEMS Award, which is presented at the end of year celebration assembly.

Treeby GEMS Morning Tea

Each term staff will be able to nominate a student who consistently does the ‘right thing’ in regard to behaviour. Sometimes children in this category may slip under the radar of normal classroom behaviour management, purely because of their continued positive approach to the learning environment.

The nominated students will have morning tea with the Principal and Executive Team. Students will be able to be nominated more than once for this reward. During the morning tea they will provide feedback to the school’s leadership team on what’s working well in the school and what would make it even better.