
Newsletters will be available twice a term to inform parents of school activities and forthcoming events. We would appreciate parents reading the newsletter, and utilising Compass, as these are our main methods of communication between school and home.

Paper copies are available from the administration office on request.

Growing Precious Minds - Treeby PS News

Click here for Issue 2 Term 2 2024

Click here for Issue 1 Term 2 2024

Click here for Issue 2 Term 1 2024

Click here for Issue 1 Term 1 2024

Click here for Issue 8 Term 4 2023

Click here for Issue 7 Term 4 2023

Click here for Issue 6 Term 3 2023

Click here for Issue 5 Term 3 2023

Click here for Issue 4, Term 2 2023

Click here for Issue 3, Term 2 2023

Click here for Issue 2, Term 1 2023

Click here for Issue 1, Term 1 2023

Click here for Issue 8, Term 4 2022

Click here for Issue 7, Term 4 2022

Click here for Issue 6, Term 3 2022

Click here for Issue 5, Term 3 2022

Click here for Issue 4, Term 2 2022

Click here for Issue 3, Term 2 2022

Click here for Issue 2, Term 1 2022

Click here for Issue 1, Term 1 2022