
Teachers arrange class excursions/incursions, usually in conjunction with work being done in the school.

All students must wear school uniform, including a hat, while on excursions/incursions to ensure easy identification for duty of care.

For visits and excursions/incursions, there may be a charge for students to participate. Written permission and payment must be provided to the school by the due date in order for children to attend the excursion/incursion.

Excursions, incursions and all interschool competitions are linked to the Excursion and Incursion Eligibility Policy. These requirements will be clearly communicated in the letter to parents for the excursion.

For students who are not eligible to attend an excursion/incursion, an alternative educational program will be provided.

Compass is the main platform used to comunicate information about excursions/incursions. Online consent forms and payment for events is all managed through Compass and this is the preferred method. For altenative methods of providing consent and payment, please see the Adminstration Office.