Dress Code

The school uniform (dress code) gives children a sense of belonging and improves the tone of the school. School uniform also provides an important safety factor as our students can easily be identified as belonging to Treeby Primary School.

The dress code sets the standards for what is acceptable in relation to the clothing worn by students at the school, including headwear, jewellery and footwear.

At school, it is expected that students will wear their school uniform, including sun safe hat.

The Treeby Primary School Dress Code is for all students Years K - 6

Students may wear

  • A polo shirt with school logo;
  • Jumpers and/or jackets with the school logo;
  • School dress;
  • Charcoal grey shorts, pants and/or skorts;
  • Appropriate footwear - shoes, sneakers or sandals with a strap;
  • Ankle to crew length socks that are white, black or grey;
  • The sun safe school hat; with logo.

Most of these items can be purchased through Uniform Concepts (Nell Gray) in Jandakot.

Please ensure all removable clothing is clearly and permanently marked with your child’s name.

Restricted clothing

The following are specifically banned from school for various reasons, mostly due to safety and restrictions of movement:

  • Any denim (as per Department of Education Policy);
  • Dangling earrings or other jewellery that could get caught during learning or play;
  • Thongs/Heels/Slide on shoes;
  • Make up and nail polish are not to be worn whilst at school;
  • Leggings, unless dark grey or black, and worn under the school skirt/skort, dress or shorts.

In the interests of hygiene, hair that is longer than shoulder length must be tied back.

Non compliance with the Dress Code 

A student who does not comply with the school dress code/uniform policy may be excluded from: 

  • School excursions, incursions and interschool sport;
  • Formal Assemblies ie. ANZAC;
  • GEMS Morning Tea;
  • Meeting important visitors to the school;
  • Special events;
  • Student leadership opportunities;
  • School photos;
  • Other events or activities which are not, in the opinion of the Principal, a required part of the educational program. 

Classroom teachers will communicate with parents whose children do not wear the correct uniform to work together on resolving any concerns. A meeting between parents and a member of the Executive Team will be required for repeated non compliance. 


A parent may apply to have their child exempted from wearing the school uniform.

The basis for the exemption must be one of the following:

  • The unavailability of a component of the dress code from the uniform supplier (this is automatic, no formal application is required);
  • A matter relating to the student’s health;
  • A matter relating to the religious beliefs of the student or their family;
  • A matter relating to the cultural background of the student or their family;
  • Any other matter which, in the Principal’s opinion, is sufficient to exempt the student from complying with the requirement.

An exemption, when granted, may also include conditions stipulated by the Principal.

When the Principal makes an exemption, the details of it will be recorded in writing. The record will show the particular parts of the dress code that the student is exempt from; the period of time for which the exemption is effective; the grounds on which the exemption was made; and any conditions that apply to the exemption. A copy of the record will be provided to the parent who made the application and the child’s teacher(s). The Principal may revoke an exemption at any time and, in that instance, will ensure that all affected people will be informed in writing.

'No sun safe hat, no play'

The Treeby Primary School hat is to be worn as part of the uniform. No other hats are to be brought to school. Due to the danger of skin cancer, we have a 'No Sun Safe Hat, No Play' Policy. Children without a sun safe hat must play in the undercover area (Years 1 - 6), as even on a cloudy day, skin can be damaged by the sun.